Friday, January 29, 2010

(FISH) Seafood Sausage Salad (exotic)

I bought these great looking uncooked seafood sausages from my local grocery shop. To serve 4 persons I had 5 sausages,sliced (half inch in thickness) ready to be cooked.
In a nonstick pan I heated 2 tbs any light oil. I sauteed them over medium high heat until they were light brown in color then took them off the heat. For the dressing: I mixed 2 tbsp mayonaisse (you can use low caloried), half tsp garlic powder, a pinch of chili powder, half tsp honey, pinch of salt,juice of half lemon and 2tbsp extra virgin olive oil.
Arrange the sausages on a bed of greens.
Drizzle the dressing over it. If you want you can add sliced onions and green apple. Its yummy!!!
I have mixed diced red tomato with the greens.

(This is a quick lunch for non-veg. lovers. You can use cooked shrimp too).


You can replace sausages with fried paneer or soya nuggets (Nutrela).
For ingredients you need:
- Sausages or soya nuggets
- Oil
- Fresh greens ("salad leaves").
- For dressing: mayonaisse, garlic powder, chilli powder, honey, salt, half a lemon, extra virgin olive oil. (Measurements are listed above).
- Tomato, sliced red onion and green apple for garnishing (optional).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This dressing worked very well with a fennel stalk and mandarin orange salad as well. I just sauteed a few sliced fennel stalks and mixed it in with oranges and frozen corn.