Thursday, July 18, 2013

Bhetki Narkol Mach (Fish cooked in coconut milk)

Bhetki Narkol Mach - how to cook, step by step

Salt the fish.

Fry them and put it aside.

Pour more oil in the pan and heat it.

Slice one whole onion.

Fry the onion with green chillies and bay leaves in the same pan where the fish was fried.

Add pounded ginger to the fried onion mixture.
Add coconut milk in the pan, add salt, and allow it to cook for some time.

  Put back the fried fish in the simmering coconut milk gravy and allow it to reduce turning the fish once within the gravy. Turn off the heat.

Pour a spoon of ghee (clarified butter) over the prepared fish.

Garnish it with green onions.

Serve with hot rice.

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